  • ID저장  보안접속
  • 강좌이미지
  • 온라인 Drafting Clearer Contracts Seminar 2017
  • 카테고리: [계약서작성]
  • 강        사 Kenneth A.Adams
    교 육 시 간 10:00~18:00, 총 7시간
    강 의 일 정 2017-10-27
    수료증발급 수업의 [80%]이상 수강시 수료증 발급
    대        상 Lawyers, In-house counsel, Contract managers, Paralegals and managers in law firms and corporations
    교   육  비 ₩770,000
    교   육  장 더플라자 호텔 그랜드볼룸 (Annex빌딩) (1,2호선 시청역 6번 출구) 약도보기  
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    1. 본 강좌는 2017.10.26 [수강신청 마감]되었습니다.
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Drafting Clearer Contracts Seminar 2017

Kenneth A. Adams, the leading authority on the building blocks of contract language, is giving his day-long “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar in Seoul, Korea, on Friday, 27 October 2017.

This day-long seminar explores how to draft contracts that express contract terms clearly and effectively, thereby saving time and money, enhancing competitiveness, and reducing risk. Ken uses throughout examples drawn from actual contracts. Rather than simply lecturing, he uses questions and drafting exercises to encourage participation.

This seminar would be valuable for anyone who drafts, negotiates, reviews, or interprets contracts, whether a lawyer, contract-management professional, or paralegal; whether in-house or in private practice; whether junior or more senior; and whether a native or non-native English speaker. The recommendations in Ken’s book apply to all contracts drafted in English, whatever the governing law.

The seminar will begin at 10:00 and end at 17:00. It will be delivered in English only, and there will be no simultaneous interpretation support. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

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블릿 교육특징

What You will Learn

  1. Practical skills from a global industry leader
  2. The problem with traditional contract language
  3. How efficient contract drafting can benefit your business
  4. The basics of rigorous contract language and layout
  5. Why revising your contract process can improve contract language

Special Offer - Free Book!!!
Each participant will receive, at no extra charge, a copy of the latest edition of Ken Adams's book, A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting. The seminar explores issues addressed in detail in this one-of-a-kind book that has become a valued resource for the legal profession.

블릿 커리큘럼

블릿 강사소개
  • Kenneth A.Adams Specialist
  • University of Pennsylvania Law School(1989)
    US law firms, including Jones Day(1989–2006)
    adjunct professor at Notre Dame Law School and the University of Pennsylvania Law School
    President, Adams Contracts Consulting LLC
    Author, A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting (4th ed. 2017)
    현재. Advisor to LegalSifter
    현재. Head of contracts at Pulse Business LLC
블릿 참가신청
  • 관심강좌
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  • 인쇄하기
  • 이용안내 및 환불규정
    1. 본 강좌는 2017.10.26 [수강신청 마감]되었습니다.
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    2. 전화) 02)6467-5501 팩스) 02)3472-1413 이메일) hyunmok.cheong@thomsonreuters.com   참가신청서 다운로드
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