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  • 강좌이미지
  • 온라인 [TR-UCI] 미국 법무연수 프로그램 2019
  • 카테고리: [기업일반][소송전략][국제법][상법][지식재산권][공정거래]
  • 강        사 Halim Dhanidina , Andra B. Greene, Lynda Zadra-Symes, Mincheol Kim, Zachary Zaharek, Bryant Garth, Gregory Shaffer, Victor Fleischer, William Hernandez, Lisa Yang, Ann Southworth, Leonard Lane, Robert Kang, Ray Weston, Jr.
    교 육 시 간 9:00~17:15, 총 35시간
    강 의 일 정 2019-07-22~2019-07-26
    수료증발급 수업의 [80%]이상 수강시 수료증 발급
    대        상 기업 법무팀 실무자, 사내변호사, 변호사 등
    교   육  비 ₩4,500,000
    교   육  장 UC Irvine School of Law (Irvine California, U.S.A.) 약도보기  
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    1. 본 강좌는 2019.07.05 [수강신청 마감]되었습니다.
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Thomson Reuters-UC Irvine 미국 법무연수 프로그램 2019!

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많은 국내기업이 해외시장으로 진출함에 따라 국외거래로 인한 해외 비즈니스 리스크 또한 크게 증가하고 있습니다. 이에 따른 해외법무의 중요성 또한 커짐에 따라 담당자들의 해외법무 역량강화는 선택이 아닌 필수가 되었습니다.

톰슨로이터에서는 다양한 현지 법무 학습 프로그램 및 전문가와의 네트워킹을 통해 단기간에 효과적으로 해외 법률시스템 및 주요이슈 등을 학습하고 체험할 수 있도록 본 연수를 UC Irvine School of Law와 함께 기획하였습니다.

‘Thomson Reuters-UC Irvine 미국 법무연수 프로그램’만의 차별화된 특징

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블릿 교육특징


  1. 현지 연수를 통한 미국 법률 시스템 및 최신 법무 이슈 동향 파악 가능
  2. 다양한 미국 법률 유관 기관과의 교류를 통해 현지 글로벌 네트워크 확대
  3. 미국 기업의 선진 시스템 및 법무조직운영 방식에 대한 벤치마킹 가능

접수 및 할인 안내

- 접수기간: 2019년 5월 27일 ~ 7월 05일
   해외연수 전 신청자 대상 오리엔테이션 실시 (7월 초 예정, 필수 참석)

- 단체할인
   동일 기업에서 2인 이상 신청하시는 경우, 5%의 할인혜택을 적용해 드립니다.
   할인가격: 4,275,000원 (5% 할인적용) / ※ 타 할인과 중복적용 불가

연수비용 포함사항

포함사항: 로스쿨 연수비용 / 기업 및 로펌 방문 비용 / 네트워킹 이벤트 진행비용 / 현지 이동차량 비용
※ 항공 및 숙박비용은 연수비용에 포함되어 있지 않으며, 예약 대행을 희망하시는 경우 별도 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

참가자 필수조건

* 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자
* 7월 12일까지 연수비용 전액을 입금 완료한 자에 한함

연수비용 환불 및 공제

해당 연수 프로그램에 대해 아래와 같은 환불정책을 운영하고 있으니 참고 부탁 드립니다.

* 신청마감일 이전 취소 통보 시: 100% 전액 환불 및 취소
* 신청마감일 이후 취소 통보 시: 연수비용의 80% 환불
* 연수에 불참할 경우에도 별도 추가 환불 불가

※ 연수 취소는 이메일 또는 Fax를 이용하여 반드시 서면으로 통보해 주시길 바랍니다.

이메일 : hyunmok.cheong@tr.com | 팩스 : 02)3472-1413


로앤비 교육사업부 정현목 대리 (Tel. 02-3472-1412 / E-mail: Hyunmok.cheong@tr.com)

블릿 커리큘럼

※ 상세일정은 일부 변동될 수 있습니다.

Tim/Day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
(90 min)
Welcome Event Quick UCI campus tour U.S. Corporate Law and Policy
Part 1
M&A and Joint Ventures
Intellectural Property Law and Recent Developments Anti-Corruption Laws and corporate compliance
(90 min)
Introduction to U.S.
Legal Systems
Part 1
M&A and Joint Ventures
Intellectural Property Law and Recent Developments Anti-Corruption Laws and corporate compliance
12:15~13:30 Welcome Lunch Lunch Time (90 min)
(90 min)
Introduction to U.S.
Legal Systems
Part 2
U.S.Corporate Law
and Policy
Part 2
Corporate Visit
- Pacific Life
Law Firm Visit
- Knobbe Martens LLP
Legal Aspects of Current Events
(120 min)
Bridging the Gap between Korea and the US: Legal system, Culture and more Role of In-house counsel in US companies /
Managing legal teams in the U.S.
Awarding of Certificates
Farewell Reception
- Shady Canyon Country Club

※ 방문기관은 일부 변동될 수 있습니다.

로스쿨    University of California, Irvine - School of Law
  - 미국 캘리포니아 주 어바인에 있는 명문 공립대학교
    소속의 미국 상위 21위 로스쿨
  - 2006년 설립 후 빠르게 성장한 학교로, 수준 높은
    clinical training프로그램 운영
로펌   Knobbe Martens LLP
  - 지적재산권 및 기술 관련 법률서비스를 중점적으로
    제공하는 IP 전문 법률 사무소
  - Ranked a Top California Law Firm for Patent
    Prosecution and Recognized for Intellectual
    Property and Life Sciences in "Chambers USA
    Guide 2019"
기업   Pacific Life
  - 생명보험, 연금, 뮤추얼 펀드 등 다양한 투자상품 및
    서비스를 제공하는 미국 보험회사
  - 미국 100대 기업 중 절반 이상을 고객으로 보유하고
    있는 150년 이상의 전통을 자랑하는 회사
블릿 강사소개
  • Andra B. Greene Lawyer
  • [Education]
    B.A., Economics, Brown University
    J.D., Harvard Law School

    President, Federal Bar Association Orange County Chapter
    Lawyer representative, Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference
    Member and past chair, board of directors of the Orange County Bar Association Masters Division
    현재. Member, UC Irvine School of Law Board of Visitors
    현재. Regional co-chair, ABA Section of Litigation "Roadshow"
    현재. Partner, Irell & Manella
  • Ann Southworth Professor of Law
  • [Education]
    Houghton Scholarship, Princeton University
    A.B., Stanford University
    J.D., Stanford Law School

    Affiliated Scholar, American Bar Foundation
    Professor, Case Western University Law School
    Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School
    현재. Professor of Law&Founding Faculty Member, UC Irvine School of Law
  • Bryant Garth Vice Dean
  • [Education]
    B.A., American Studies, Yale University
    J.D., Stanford Law School
    Ph.D., European University Institute, Florence

    Law clerk, Federal District Court, Northern District of California
    Visiting professor, University of Michigan School of Law
    Visiting professor, Uppsala University, Sweden
    Professor/Dean, Indiana University School of Law
    Director Emeritus, American Bar Foundation
    Dean/CEO/Professor, Southwestern Law School
    현재. Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
    현재. Vice Dean and Professor, UC Irvine School of Law
  • Gregory Shaffer Professor of Law
  • [Education]
    B.A., English, Dartmouth College
    J.D., Stanford Law School

    Lawyer, Bredin Prat(French law firm), Paris
    Visiting Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
    Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School
    Wing-Tat Lee Chair, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
    Professor, Department of Political Science
    Affiliated Professor, University of Minnesota Law School, Melvin C.
    Vice President, American Society of International Law
    현재. Representative, American Council of Learned Societies
    현재. Director, Center on Globalization, Law, and Society
    현재. Chancellor’s Professor, UC Irvine School of Law
  • Halim Dhanidina Justice
  • [Education]
    B.A., International Relations, Pomona College
    Doctorate degree, UCLA School of Law

    Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County
    Judge, Los Angeles County Superior Court
    Adjunct professor, Chapman University Fowler School of Law
    Adjunct professor, Western State Law School
    Adjunct professor, Whittier Law School
    Adjunct professor, Glendale University College of Law
    현재. Justice, California Court of Appeal, Second District
  • Leonard Lane Professor of Business
  • [Education]
    B.A., University of Southern California
    MBA., University of Southern California
    Doctor of Management, Case Western Reserve University

    Senior Consultant, Peat, Marwick Mitchell
    Executive Vice President, Alaska International Air
    President/Director, LLA, Inc./Strategic Development Group, Seattle WA,
    Vice President, MMG, MarchFirst, divine, Inc.
    Visiting Lecturer, Rady School of Business, University of California, San Diego
    Adjunct Professor, California State University, Fullerton
    Adjunct Professor, California State University, San Marcos
    President, LL Global Consult
    현재. Managing Director Fung Academy, Li &Fung Limited, Hong Kong
    현재. Senior Lecturer-Strategy, Paul Merage School of Business, UC Irvine
  • Lisa Yang Partner Lawyer
  • [Education]
    B.A., Occidental College
    J.D., University of San Diego School of Law

    President, Korean American Bar Association of Southern California
    Board member, Center for the Pacific American Family
    현재. Board Chair, International Association of Korean Lawyers, Overseas Chapter
    현재. Partner Lawyer, LimNexus LLP
  • Lynda Zadra-Symes Partner Lawyer
  • [Education]
    Barrister, Inns of Court School of Law, London
    LL.B. First Class Honours, Leicester Polytechnic, England

    Arbitrator, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    Co-Chair, International Bar Association committee (IBA)
    Mediator,International Trademark Association’s (INTA)
    현재. Partner Lawyer, Knobbe Martens
  • Mincheol Kim Lawyer
  • [Education]
    J.D., School of Law, University of San Diego
    B.S., Electronics Engineering, Soong Sil University
    B.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University

    Patent Lawyer, Myung-Shin & Partners
    현재. Patent Lawyer, Knobbe Martens
  • Ray Weston, Jr. Vice President
  • [Education]
    LL.M. Concentration on International Law, University of Cambridge, England
    Juris Doctor, with honors, University of Oklahoma College of Law

    Director, Taco Bell National Purchasing Coop, Inc.
    현재. Director, Project Hope Alliance
    현재. Mentor, Uncharted
    현재. Adjunct Law Professor, Inernational Business Transactions, UC Irvine School of Law
    현재. Vice President, Int’l Business Affairs & Global General Counsel, YUM! Brands
  • Robert Kang Lawyer/Professor
  • [Education]
    B.A., Field Of Study English & Comparative Literature, Occidental College
    Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University
    J.D., UCLA School of Law

    Judicial Law Clerk, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
    Associate Attorney, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
    Senior Associate, JONES DAY®
    Board of Governors, Korean American Bar Association of Southern California
    KnowledgeNet Chairperson, IAPP
    Board of Directors, UCLA School of Law Alumni Association
    현재. Adjunct Professor, Tech & Cyber Risk Management, Loyola Law School, LA
    현재. Senior Attorney, Cyber & National Security, Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • Victor Fleischer Professor of Law
  • [Education]
    B.A., Columbia College
    J.D., Columbia Law School

    Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
    Visiting professor, University of Colorado Law School
    Visiting professor, University of Illinois College of Law
    Visiting professor, UCLA School of Law
    Visiting professor, Georgetown University Law Center
    Visiting professor, NYU School of Law
    Professor of tax law, the University of San Diego School of Law
    Democratic Chief Tax Counsel, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee
    현재. Professor, UC Irvine School of Law
  • William Hernandez Professor/Director
  • [Education]
    B.A., Political Science, UC Irvine
    M.A., Spanish, UC Irvine
    J.D., Georgetown University Law Center

    Manager, Fluor Daniel, Inc
    President, Senior Advisor, Requejo Consulting, Inc
    Founding Director, Asturias Business School
    현재. Visiting Professor, Instituto de la Empresa(IE), Madrid, Spain
    현재. Adjunct Faculty, California State University, Long Beach & Fullerton
    현재. Executive Director, UC Irvine Center for Global Leadership
  • Zachary Zaharek Lawyer
  • Vice President, Senior Counsel, Downey Savings
    Director and Treasurer, Public Records Industry Association
    Member, Paralegal Extension Program, University of California, Irvine
    Teacher, University of California
    Adjunct Professor, Western State University College of Law
    President, the Southern California Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel
    현재. Vice President and Senior Corporate Counsel, First American Financial
블릿 참가신청
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    2. 전화) 02)6467-5501 팩스) 02)3472-1413 이메일) hyunmok.cheong@thomsonreuters.com   참가신청서 다운로드
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