이 름 | Rishi Batra | ||
직 업 | 소 속 | - | |
프로필 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Oregon
Visiting Professor at UNLV Boyd School of Law
Visiting Professor at Santa Clara Law
Professor at Texas Tech University School of Law
Director of the Leadership and Appropriate Dispute Resolution (LADR) program
Awarded the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award
과정구분 | 카테고리 | 카테고리 | 강사 | 강의년월 |
미국변호사과정 |
[미국변호사시험][LLM학위취득] | Flex-LL.M. in U.S. Law 온라인과정_8월 학기 | Rishi Batra 외 |
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